How to Know It’s Deep Vein Thrombosis

Deep Vein Thrombosis occurs when a blood clot forms in a deep vein usually in the leg or thigh. It is essential to recognize the signs of DVT since the clot can break away and become lodged in the lungs. What may follow is PE, or a Pulmonary Embolism, which can be life-threatening.

Here are a few of the risk factors for DVT and how to know it’s Deep Vein Thrombosis.

Good News And Bad News About Blood Clots

Whenever we cut ourselves, there is a protein in our blood that aids in clot formation. The good news here is that clotting prevents us from bleeding to death.

The bad news is that our blood can circulate poorly, and deadly clots can form in our veins preventing much-needed oxygen moving through our body. Older people are more likely to developdoctor examining a patients leg. these unwanted clots, but younger people can get them as well.

Recognizable Signs Of DVT

Most people who experience Deep Vein Thrombosis often have some common symptoms.

There will be pain and swelling below where the clot has formed. The pain comes from the inflammation caused by the clot. Sometimes legs will feel like they are numb or “asleep.” In addition the area will feel warm and look red or bruised, and it may also be tender to the touch.

In most cases, the symptoms will occur in one leg only. It is not necessary to have all these symptoms to diagnose DVT. If you are experiencing any of these, it’s important to seek medical attention.

Risk Factors For DVT

There are numerous factors and situations which can put someone at risk of developing DVT. The following people can be at risk:

  • Anyone who recently had an injury to a vein or had surgery
  • Anyone older than 40
  • Those who are overweight or obese
  • Those with a family history of clots or any inherited disorder which causes “thick blood”
  • Pregnant women or those in the first six weeks after birth
  • Those taking birth control or hormone replacement therapy
  • Someone with cancer and having cancer treatments

Situations Putting Someone At Risk for DVT

If you are taking a long car trip or flight, be sure to take breaks, and walk around every 30 minutes. Wear loose fitting clothing and drink lots of water to prevent dehydration. It’s best to avoid alcohol.

If you have recently had surgery and bed rest is required, the same suggestions apply. Try to move around and exercise whenever possible.

Be aware of the signs of Deep Vein Thrombosis and situations putting you or your loved ones at risk, and contact Western Vascular at (480) 668-5000 immediately if you suspect you are experiencing DVT.